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Hungarian Hearthstone tournaments (0 tournament is available now)

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Verseny, Szórakozás, Közösség - HearthCup

HearthCup Change log

2024.06.30 - HearthCup v8.0 - HearthCup works again, improvements, bug fixes

  • After moving to the new server on November 2, 2023, the webpage didn't work due to the new PHP version, it's now fixed and the database is now improved.
  • Automatic theme change is now supported based on system theme (dark or light).
  • The dark theme has been greatly improved. The editor and image upload now also have dark themes.
  • Many design changes were made (e.g.: dashed lines are no more, every date input has been changed, the Check-in button no longer has issues).
  • The older tournaments webpage has been improved and all the data comes from the database now. Now more manual input is needed.
  • The grid now works even if the amount of players are less than 4.
  • A lot of bugfixes were made, the class management now also works, older tournaments have working charts (if classes were given).

2023.11.05 - HearthCup v7.1.1 - Bug fixes

  • The teams page is working again, the tournament edit page is fixed as well.
  • The contact page has been updated and CAPTCHA is now required for sending email, if not logged in.

2023.11.02 - HearthCup v7.1 - Updated class management, new server, other updates

  • The class management is now based on HSHU (this may causes some issues, it hasn't been tested)!
  • Moved to a new server.
  • Scrips updated to the latest version, missing images added.
  • Menu design has been updated again to match Hearthstone Hungary's design.
  • Other improvements and bugfixes.

2020.01.25 - HearthCup v7.0 - Secure tournaments, updates

  • The website is working again!
  • The website is now using HTTPS and everything is updated to the latest version.
  • The menu is now unified with Hearthstone Hungary.
  • Google+ has been changed to Reddit.
  • Other improvements and bugfixes.

2017.12.17 - HearthCup v6.2.1

  • English languge is now avaiable everywhere on the website.

2017.12.02 - HearthCup v6.2 - Classes and bans

  • You can now see classes and bans at the old tournaments, where ban was requested (only works from the new website: 2017. september 7)!
  • A lot of bug fixes, everything has been fixed.

2017.11.30 - HearthCup v6.1 - Necessary changes

  • Changes with the bracket and more design updates.

2017.11.29 - HearthCup v6.0 - New design

  • Brand new design on the main page. Discover them!

2017.11.25 - HearthCup v5.3 - Decks and bans

  • You can now add your classes using Hearthstone's deck export feature!
  • New: Banned classes on tournaments.
  • Updated: Class and deck edit.
  • More changes and bug fixes.

2017.10.23 - HearthCup v5.2 - Round Robin result edit

  • New: You can now play Round Robin tournaments as well.
  • New edit option: You can now edit your last input in the bracket.
  • Minor bug fixes and changes.

2017.10.13 - HearthCup v5.1 - Events

  • New: Events feature.
  • Fixes and changes with teams.

2017.10.04 - HearthCup v5.0 - Secrets and teams

  • This is another huge update in HearthCup. We list here only the most important changes.
  • New: Secret bans!
  • New: Teams.
  • New tournament: Team fight.
  • Lot of bug fixes and other changes.

2017.09.07 - HearthCup v4.0

  • This is the biggest update we ever had in the history of HearthCup. We list here only the most important changes.
  • You no longer need to wait till the end of round in order to input your points.
  • The data input system has been rewritten from scratch and is now more stable!
  • Ranks have been changed. You can now see each players rank on the website.
  • HearthCup profiles no longer exist. All previous HearthCup profiles are now Hearthstone Hungary, Overwatch Hungary and HearthCup profiles too.
  • Since profiles are now merged with our other pages, the login has changed. You need to login with your user name now!
  • Brand new profile page with new options. Check it out.
  • The menu has been revamped as well and other design changes happened on the website too (including new wallpapers and a new night theme, which you can turn on from your profile settings).
  • New Facebook, Twitter, Google+ share buttons.
  • Desktop version is now available on mobiles (it lasts for 1 hour).
  • Old browsers (IE 6,7,8 and similar) are no longer supported and all scripts have been updated to the latest version.
  • Plenty of other fixes, improvements and changes.

2016.08.13 - HearthCup v3.5

  • Double Elimination is now finished, we'll use this format in most of our offline tournaments.
  • You can now edit your decks for offline tournaments until the start of the event.
  • Other small bug fixes.

2016.04.02 - HearthCup v3.4

  • You have to submit your decks, which you will use in an offline tournament. The required interface has been made.
  • The issues with the online check-in has been fixed.
  • You can now turn off or on the links in the brackets.
  • Other bug fixes.

2016.03.22 - HearthCup v3.3

  • The Swiss system is now completed.
  • New design has been created for Swiss and the Top 8 bracket after Swiss concluded is now available from the Swiss tournament.
  • The names in the brackets are now links to users' profiles.
  • Profile has been updated with new design elements and bug fixes with Fireside and NHC scores.
  • Other small improvements on mobile.

2016.03.09 - HearthCup v3.2.3

  • You can sign up to offline tournaments with just one-click (instead of 2 clicks as it was needed previously).
  • You get an alert after a successful tournament sign up.
  • You are notified if you're BattleTag is wrong.
  • Drag'n'Scroll feature added to the bracket.
  • Other small fixes and improvements on bracket and tournament sign up.

2016.03.01 - HearthCup v3.2.2

  • Login and registration buttons are now available at the tournaments, if you are not logged in.
  • Fixes on iOS devices.
  • Other improvementes on the bracket.

2016.02.29 - HearthCup v3.2.1

  • New informations at the bracket about data input and participants.

2016.02.27 - HearthCup v3.2

  • You can now quickly and easily sign up to our tournaments with just one click from the main page!
  • However you can turn this feature off from your profile settings, if you don't like it.
  • Navigation line was added to the tournaments, older tournaments and grid to make navigation easier.
  • Older tournaments details are now all available.
  • You can now see "check-in" on the participants tab while check-in is active and also on older tournaments, where check-in was used.
  • Other changes, improvements and fixes with check-in, spectator sign up and profile settings.

2016.02.07 - HearthCup v3.1.1

  • If you sign up for an offline tournament, now you must enter your full name (only the first time), so we can give you an invoice much quicker in BarCraft 2.
  • You can now set your full name and edit your birth date in your profile.
  • Due to an error with the viewer profile, it was impossible to sign up as a spectator with a viewer profile, this has been fixed.
  • The message at the grid is now understandable, if you are logged out or you ran into some other issues, make sure to read them.
  • If a tournament has a different format for the finals (and bronze match), this will be displayed.

2016.02.04 - HearthCup v3.1

  • The announcement menu is now available: In the announcement menu you can find all the new HearthCup Tournament announcements and latest updates! Make sure to read them, so you never miss anything!
  • More details about the available tournaments on the main page.
  • The "I won't be there as a spectator" option is now correctly working on the main page as well.
  • You no longer need to input 3-0 at a Bo3 tournament, you can input 2-0 now (but 3-0 is acceptable too). The same is true for every other format too (e.g.: for Bo5, 3-0 is now acceptable, not only 5-0).
  • Other small bugfixes.

2016.02.01 - HearthCup v3.0.1

  • You can now set the default language in your profile (English or Hungarian). If you choose a default language, when you login from different devices, they will all use your chosen language. While a language is set, the language chooser option is removed from the menu.
  • The spectator registration is available by clicking on the "Create Account" anywhere on the website, then on registration page, you can read: "Would you like to register as a spectator only? Click here!", but if you are not logged in, and you click on "I'll be there as a spectator" at an offline tournament, then you'll get a pop-up window with spectator registration option.
  • Now you can see on the players and spectator tabs, how many people signed up as a player or as a spectator, respectively.
  • Bugs were fixed with the location check feature for online tournaments.
  • Smaller design improvements on FULL HD and higher resolution screens, including 2K and 4K as well.

2016.01.30 - HearthCup v3.0

  • You can now change language - English and Hungarian! Finally all your English devices can use hungarian language!
  • You are now able to create a spectator only account
  • The older tournament page has been updated to support 2016
  • The Hall of Fame has been divided to two parts: National and HearthCup Hall of Fame
  • 3 new ranks for National HearthCup Championships: Ogre champion (pro of the week), Dr. Boom's idol (master of the season) and Invincible (champion of the nation)
  • Clicking on HearthCup Hungary now takes you to the main page
  • Account creation has been improved and bugs were fixed
  • New details and informations in profiles - check them out
  • You can now set your city in your profile and change your "spectator only" account to a "player" account
  • Houndreds of design changes, which will hopefully make your visit on the website much more pleasant! The website now looks way more cooler on mobile too
  • Various bug fixes in almost every aspect of the website

2016.01.16 - HearthCup v2.5

  • HearthCup is now ready for 2016. Support for HearthCup Season 3 and support for National HearthCup Championships.
  • You can now sign up as a spectator for offline tournaments.
  • The Rules have changed and the 'Rules' menu has been removed, you can now see the rules where you sign up for the tournaments.
  • You can also see people who signed up as spectators for an offline tournament.
  • Other small changed and fixes.
  • Much more to come this year!

2015.10.11 - HearthCup v2.4.1.1

  • An issue was resolved with profiles using special characters.
  • Other small fixes and improvements to design for non-registered users.

2015.09.28 - HearthCup v2.4.1

  • The older tournaments pages have been updated with design similar to the main page.
  • A quick login or register is now available on the main page.
  • The grid datainput is now on the top of the grid page for easier access on bigger tournaments as well.
  • Other design improvements on the main and grid pages.

2015.09.21 - HearthCup v2.4

  • The main page has been updated.
  • The website's size is now increasing above 1024px as well.
    • The content is no longer a small area only, it fills your screen!
    • The menu has become bigger too.
    • The website is now fully responsive up to 4K and further.
  • On the top of the page (below the slider) you can now easily see how many tournaments are happening right now.
  • Quick sign up: You can easily sign up to the next tournament with 1-click from the sidebar.
  • New options in the sidebar: Support us and contact us.
  • New menu: Older Tournament with every important details about older tournaments.
  • New rank: Fireside Festival. A new unique rank above all other, if you win our Fireside Festivals.
  • New function: limit. We have the ability now to limit our tournaments maximum number of applicants.
  • New function: Check-in system. However we are not yet using it.
  • Revamped main page. Find what's important for you easily (tournament details, players, rules - with 1-click, no reload).
  • The players list (the applicants) is now much nicer and shows an image, which is your favorite class. If you didn't set it, it'll be a nice question mark.
  • From now, you can see when the grid will become available.
  • Much more design changes, improvements and fixes.

2015.09.06 - HearthCup v2.3.3

  • Rules have been slightly changed.
  • Website is now ready for special tournaments.
  • Changes in several wordings.
  • Internal tests for a "check-in system" has begun.

2015.07.26 - HearthCup v2.3.2

  • HearthCup can now be linked to Hearthstone Hungary if your e-mail address and password match your HearthCup e-mail and password! For new HearthCup users: Combine your profile during registration! If you're already a HearthCup user you can combine in your profile!
  • Registration is now working will ALL major browsers, including their old versions too!

2015.07.24 - HearthCup v2.3.1

  • Registration has been updated and it's now compatible with all major browsers! HearthCup profile can be linked to Hearthstone Hungary soon!

2015.07.18 - HearthCup v2.3

  • Fireside Gathering champion rank, and full support for future Fireside Gatherings!
  • New ranks: Mal'Ganis replaced by Kil'Jaeden, Leeroy replaced by Nefarian.
  • More details in profile, more statistics and full screen webpage on the profile page.
  • Grid data input bug fixed in round 2 and forward. [ENG only]

2015.06.21 - HearthCup v2.1

  • Automatic 3-0 vs. "Erőnyerő" in the first round.
  • Other small bugfixes.

2015.06.10 - HearthCup v2.0

  • The rules have been updated at: https://hearthstonehungary.hu/rules.
  • Tons if fixes and improvements were made to the grid system.
  • Players can check their second season scores as well.
  • The second season's statistics are now available in the Hall of Fame too.
  • Those players who have already won a HearthCup, can create new tournaments!
  • Improved mobile design and new mobile menu.
  • HearthCup is now much more similar to the Hearthstone Hungary design.
  • You can now set a different theme in your profile settings (Apart from the default theme, you may choose: Alleria Windrunner (green) or Hearthstone Hungary(blue) theme).
  • You can now comment at tournaments (click on tournament name from main page or click on add reply) too (and on the grid page, to talk while playing a tournament).
  • Pages has been overhauled!
  • Improved login system!
  • Other bug fixes, improvements, and other modifications.

2015.05.19 - HearthCup 2 Season start, bug fixes

  • IMPORTANT: Changes in English language ARE NOT ALWAYS available!!!
  • Rules have been updated at: https://hearthstonehungary.hu/rules.
  • Only one person have to add the result of a game in the grid.
  • HearthCup Season 2 has started, Season 1 has been closed, changes reflected in the database too
  • Completely redesigned footer
  • New profile pictures (with favourite hero) and cover photos (with current rank) in the profile.
  • The profile setings menu is now available in a brand new menu on the profile page. The rightsidebar got some polishes too.
  • The chat menu has been removed. You can now use Disqus under every tournament's grid and you can also upload pictures.
  • Other bug fixes and datepicker graphical glitches fixed!

2014.07.17. - English language is now MOSTLY available, bug fixes

  • If your browser's language is english, then the website will become english for you! If your browser's language is different from english (e.g.:hungarian), then the website will be hungarian!
  • Many bugs were fixed on the profile and Hall of Fame pages. They should be fully functional now.

2014.07.14. - English language is now PARTIALLY available

  • The English language is now about 60% complete, but we're still actively working on it!
  • If your browser's language is english, then the website will become english for you! If your browser's language is different from english (e.g.:hungarian), then the website will be hungarian!

2014.06.23 - New logo, new functions and new partner

  • We have a new logo, which You can see "baked into" the image of the actual HearthCup. The logo was made by the help of Madicine design - Thanks for their help.
  • You are now able to link the tournaments, by clicking on their title.
  • This miniblog just became available for you to never miss the changes. :)

2014.05.23 - New ranks, updated Hall of Fame

  • New ranks became available, so You'll always have something to aim for.
  • Updated Hall of Fame - Thanks to Ravencry#2883. You can now see the top players by win counts and ranks.
  • All HearthCups have a name associated to their numbers and a huge image, so You can identify the actual tournament easily.

2014.04.28 - Huge updates in HearthCup - v1.0

  • HearthCup update v1.0
    • New data input system in Grid
    • New profiles, Hall of Fame
    • Search for players
    • Modify your profile
    • ...and much more!